What new in ServiceDesk Plus 7.5 ?

ServiceDesk Plus 7.5 - the intuitive and affordable helpdesk and asset management software comes with support for multiple sites, request form customizations and many more enhancements.
Multi Site Support

Configure multiple sites for a single organization. This support will be available in

* Requests
* Holidays
* Business Rules
* Assets

* Departments
* Operational Hours
* Technicians

* Groups
* SLA's
* Requesters


Custom Request Forms

* Create custom forms for each request template.(Eg. A new hire form can be created to include fields like "OS", "Seating Location"etc.A software purchase request form will have fields like "Version", "Vendor", "Number of Copies" etc.).
* Hide certain fields from the technician view also.
* Form Layout Customization.



* A Calendar view for technician indicating the request, task, change and problem count on each day.
* Create new tasks, reminders and mark unavailability from the calendar
* Technician Availability Chart - A chart indicating whether a technician is available on a given date or not.


Enhanced My Preference Section

* Select personalized Date / Time format.
* Select Time Zone.
* Personalize signatures

Feature Enhancements

* Remote Desktop sharing
o ServiceDesk Plus offers a flash-based Remote Control that helps you access any workstation in your office without installing agents.

* Flash Reports
o Get a consolidated view on what is happening with your helpdesk on a single report-view using the New Flash Reports.


* Performance and Memory enhancements.
o Helpdesk Enhancements
+ Support for closing associated requests on closing a problem.
+ Support for recurring holidays.
+ Drill down reports on requests.
+ Color code indication for requests based on priority.
o LDAP support
+ LDAP based authentication
+ Option for importing users from LDAP
o Distributed workstation scan
+ AssetExplorer will help you scan assets distributed across multiple sites. Install AssetExplorer in your remote sites where you want to scan assets. When scanning is complete, you will be able to export the data from the remote AssetExplorer server in the site and import it in your central ServiceDesk Plus Server.
o Inventory Enancements
+ Support for Mac os scanning
+ Enhanced import workstations from CSV file.
+ Support for fetching inventory details of Printers, Routers and Switches.
+ WMI Logon Scripts to push the Hardware and software inventory into ServiceDeskPlus Server. This could be used to scan workstations which are in and out of the network frequently.
+ Workstation - Server classfication - Servers can be classified separately from workstations.
+ Stand alone workstation audit i.e., provision to scan workstations not in network, copy the inventory data and import it in to ServiceDesk Plus server.
+ Scan for Windows service packs and hotfixes.
+ Scan for software in Linux workstations.
+ Site based roles for assets. ie the logged in technician should be able to view only the assets in his site.
+ Additional fields for contracts
o Enhanced Solution Module
+ Support for solution approval
+ Solutions list view