Dengan menggunakan Draytek Vigor, maka komunikasi dengan cabang-cabang dapat dengan mudah dibuat dan diproteksi dengan cukup menggunakan link speedy Telkom. Vigor dapat dengan mudah dikonfigurasi untuk koneksi VPN (Virtual Private Network) sehingga meskipun kita menggunakan media link internet tetapi seolah-olah kita memiliki link komunikasi sendiri langsung dengan cabang-cabang. Dengan Vigor, juga dimungkin untuk membuat koneksi Voip (Voice over IP) sehingga dapat digunakan untuk saling menghubungkan PABX antar cabang sehingga menghemat biaya komunikasi.
Vigor juga banyak digunakan untuk pekerja remote (remote worker) sehingga dengan mudah koneksi VPN dapat dibentuk dan pekerja dapat langsung mengakses informasi yang diperlukannya dengan hanya menggunakan media internet.
Silahkan hubungi kami untuk keperluan desain penggunaan produk Vigor bagi perusahaan Anda.

1. Smart Monitor
Smart Monitor is available through free downloading. It is easy for administrator to install Smart Monitor on a PC. The PC collects the data from mirror port of Vigor2820 series, Vigor2950 and VigorPro firewall routers. With Smart Monitor, the administrator can adopt the content that user cares and restore the data to readability information and produce various reports for reference.2. Vigor2820
- Support Smart Monitor up to 30 PCs
- CSM (Content Security Management) for Web Content Access Control
- Object-Based Firewall Preventing External Attacks/ Easing Policy Settings
- Hardware-Based VPN Platform for High Performance Remote Data Access
- 2nd WAN Port (Ethernet) for Policy-Based Load-Balancing or Fail-Over
- Flexible Bandwidth Management to Optimize Bandwidth Usage
- USB 2.0 Port for Network Printer, and 3.5G /HSDPA Mobile backup
3. Vigor2950
- Support Smart Monitor up to 100 PCs
- Up to 50 SSL VPN tunnels
- Up to 200 Simultaneous VPN Tunnels Provide Deployment of Linked Branch Offices and Teleworkers
- Robust SPI (Stateful Packet Inspection) Firewall with DoS / DDoS Protection to Protect Your Network from External Attacks
- Dual WAN Ports with Policy-Based Load Balance and Fail-Over
- Support mOTP (Mobile One-Time Password) for PPTP, L2TP and SSL VPN connection
4. VigorPro5510
- Support Smart Monitor up to 150 PCs
- Multi-Threat Security Architecture
- Anti-Virus, Anti-Intrusion & Anti-Spam, Intrusion Prevention & Detection (Inline, Real-time)
- DrayTek Patented MSSI (Multi-Stack Stateful Inspection) Provides Deep Packet Inspection
- Robust SPI (Stateful Packet Inspection) Firewall with DoS / DDoS Protection to Protect Your Network from External Attacks
- CSM (Content Security Management) Feature Provides Efficient Appliance-Based Gateway Security and Content Filitering
- Up to 200 Simultaneous VPN Tunnels Provide Deployment of Linked Branch Offices and Teleworkers
- Up to 50 SSL VPN Tunnels
- Dual WAN Ports with Policy-Based Load Balance and Fail-Over
- QoS (Quality of Service) Assurance
- 5 Gigabit Ethernet LAN Ports
5. Vigor2920

- Gigabit 2nd WAN complied with FTTx trend (up to 150 Mbps) escalating business essential data exchange
- 4-port Gigabit LAN switch facilitating the execution of unified communication applications in business CO/remote site
- Dual-WAN with load balance and redundancy
- USB port for FTP storage and 3.5G backup
- 802.11n (Draft-n) wireless LAN (n model) Bandwidth management for optimizing corporate bandwidth allocation
- QoS providing lag-free user experience for time critical applications
- Object-base firewall preventing external attacks/easing policy settings
- CSM (Content Security Management) for web content access control
- 32 VPN tunnels with up to 40 Mpbs IPSec VPN throughput
- TR-069 and 2-level management are for Telcos/ISPs
6. VigorACS full version
VigorACS full version provides centralized device management for TR-069 based CPEs such as broadband gateway, VPN, xDSL router, VoIP gateway, and Wireless AP. This is ideal for central management if Vigor SMB solutions were sold to ISP/system integrators. TR-069 is a DSL Forum technical specification entitled CPE WAN Management Protocol (CWMP). It defines an application layer protocol for remote management of end-user devices. VigorACS full version has device status, monitor status of devices, or perform provisioning tasks such as firmware upgrade, configuration backup/restore and parameter profile for mass deployment of CPE devices.7. VigorACS SI version

In addition, the easy-to-understand logic management also can easily let new IT staff on board for analyzing/serving customers. VigorACS system integrator version simplifies management tasks through product type and functionalities of features such as IPSec /PPTP VPN settings.