Sudah maksimalkah Firewall Anda?

Semua perusahaan saat ini telah mengimplementasi FIREWALL untuk memproteksi jaringan internalnya, tapi apakah mereka memiliki tools untuk memonitor, mengaudit, memonitor perubahan konfigurasi firewall, memonitor aktifitas akses Internet, penggunaan bandwidth Internet, akses VPN bahkan melakukan security forensic ?

Jawabannya ada di Firewall Analyzer

Unlock the Real Value of Your Network Security Devices

Firewall Comliance Requirement

Perform Security Audit and Meet Compliance Requirements

Firewall Configuration Change Management

Firewall Configuration Change Management

  • Get instant notification on 'who' made 'what' changes, 'when' and 'why' to your firewall configuration in real-time
  • Get a complete trail of all the changes done to your firewall configuration with Change Management reports
Monitor Employee Internet Usage

Corporate Users Internet Activity Monitoring

Internet Bandwidth Monitoring - Real-time

Network Traffic and Internet Bandwidth Monitoring

  • Monitor network traffic and receive instant notification for sudden spikes in bandwidth
  • Get the interface-wise live bandwidth usage & detailed reports on which user, protocol group, network activity is consuming the bandwidth
Network External Security Threat

Network Security Management

Firewall Rules Management

Firewall Rules Management

  • Identify the highly used rules, which can be optimized to enhance the network security
  • Identify the unused rules, modify or remove them to improve firewall performance
Firewall Security Audit and Configuration Analysis

Real-time VPN & Proxy Server Monitoring

  • Obtain active VPN users, user-specific VPN usage, sessions, and bandwidth consumed
  • Monitor the outgoing traffic through the proxy, obtain details on users generating traffic, websites accessed and bandwidth consumed
Forensic Investigation Requirement

Conduct Network Forensic