Surge in Smartphone Sales Means More Devices Require Mobile Management

Recently, David Spencer posted an article on the Engineering and Technology Magazine website, “Smartphone sales driving business tech investment”, an overview of a recent Gartner report on the Smartphone marketplace. According to Gartner, there has been an increase in Smartphone sales of almost 50 percent, with sales of Smartphone devices in the third quarter of 2012 in excess of 169 million units. Apple and Samsung are dominating the market, combining for 46.5 percent of market share.
So what does the exponential proliferation of Android phones and iPhones mean for you and your company? Natalie Sisson, The Suitcase Entrepreneur, says businesses have to realize there’s much more to going mobile than just phone calls, text messages and emails. In a recent blog post, she advises business owners that Smartphones can do everything from sending and accepting payments to scanning documents and managing inventory. “Mobile entrepreneurs can accomplish any ‘office’ task anywhere in the world,” Ms. Sisson writes.
The drawback to all this entrepreneurial mobility is the security threat endemic to having so much confidential and account information on a mobile device. Mobile devices, including Smartphones, are easily lost or stolen, which means your corporate information can be compromised or stolen.
The best way to protect your mobile enterprise is with 3CX Mobile Device Manager. 3CX Mobile Device Manager is an online service that lets you remotely lock your devices and, if necessary, remotely wipe all of their data. 3CX Mobile Device Manager enables you to change the password on any device and lock it from an online dashboard, so you can protect all of your data until the device is retrieved; even if the device isn’t connected to the internet, you can lock it by sending an SMS to it. If you can’t recover an employee’s device, use 3CX Mobile Device Manager to restore the device to its factory settings – this wipes the device entirely of data, both data stored on the device itself and on any SD cards.
Smartphones and other devices can help you take your business mobile – 3CX Mobile Device Manager makes sure you can do it safely and securely. Step outside. Sign up for your free 3CX Mobile Device Manager Account today.