An Introduction to High Perf Reporting Engine from NetFlow Analyzer

When it comes to traffic reporting and network troubleshooting to find bottlenecks or bandwidth spikes, complete port level analysis of raw flows is required and this will help to find out the cause.

NetFlow Analyzer troubleshooting report with Sub Minute visibility helps to identify Network Spike, Bandwidth Saturation etc. The Troubleshooting Report gives complete port level information for the selected time as it is generated completely from raw NetFlow data. Click here to know more about data storage pattern in NetFlow Analyzer.

In older version, raw data can be stored for maximum of 1 Month and lets user to drill down to each an every flow for identifying bandwidth spikes only for 30 Days.

Yes, 30 Days of raw storage is not sufficient when it comes to detail analysis for entire year to do capacity planning or Government Auditing. Certain countries mandate storing raw traffic flow data for more than 6 months.

When it comes to ISP or MSP, they want all their customer data to be stored for more than 3 months for accurate billing purpose.

All these things in mind, we NetFlow Analyzer team bought a new feature High Perf Reporting Engine.

What is this High Perf Reporting Engine?

The HighPerf Reporting Engine of ManageEngine NetFlow Analyzer is a highly scalable database for raw storage alone, it can store raw data for more than 6 Months.

One can wonder storage of all the flows from devices for more than 6 Months might take huge disk space and report generation might be sluggish when looking for longer time period. The HighPerf Reporting Engine uses columnar database, which is best suited for instantaneous report generation for longer time period and compressed storage.

Following are the advantages offered by HighPerf Reporting Engine of NetFlow Analyzer.

  • Increased raw data storage capacity
  • Instant Report Generation
  • Columnar Database
  • Shortened look-up time
  • Saves Troubleshooting Time
  • Improved data compression
  • Better Capacity Planning
  • Insightful reports
  • Better bandwidth management

How to Deploy this HighPerf Reporting Engine?

From this latest version, NetFlow Analyzer by default comes with PostgreSQL which can be used to store 30 days of raw data and life long aggregated data (Used for Historical reporting).

This HighPerf Reporting Engine comes as plug-in which has to be installed on top of NetFlow Analyzer installation or you can download the complete package which contains this plug-In.

It is also possible to host the HighPerf database engine on a remote host and connect the NetFlow Analyzer to this database.

We will go through in detail about the installation of HighPerf Reporting engine in our next blog.


Praveen Kumar

NetFlow Analyzer Technical Team

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