Menggunakan Wake On LAN di Draytek Vigor
Apa sih WoL ?
Wake-on-LAN (WOL) is an ethernet computer networking standard that allows a computer to be turned on or woken up by a network message.
The message is usually sent by a program executed on another computer on the same local area network. It is also possible to initiate the message from another network by using subnet directed broadcasts or a WOL gateway service. Equivalent terms include wake on WAN, remote wake-up, power on by LAN, power up by LAN, resume by LAN, resume on LAN and wake up on LAN. In case the computer being woken is communicating via Wi-Fi, a supplementary standard called Wake on Wireless LAN (WoWLAN) must be employed.
Setting di Draytek cukup mudah :
1. Bind IP dahulu
Menu -> LAN -> Bind IP to MAC
Daftarkan IP yang ingin di-bind.
2. Akfitkan melalui layar di bawah ini.
3. Jangan lupa aktifkan WoL di Server (Ethernet Properties)
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