Transformasi desktop dengan Liquidware Labs

Salah satu tren yang sedang berkembang adalah penggunaan virtualisasi desktop, berikut salah satu produk yang tepat.

Desktop Transformation with Liquidware Labs

Market Leader with a Complete Suite of Software and Methodology

Desktop Transformation
Since 2009, when we launched the term “Desktop Transformation,” Liquidware Labs continues to set the pace for others in the industry by pioneering methodologies and software that promise to  revolutionize the delivery of “anytime, anywhere, any device” desktops.
Liquidware Labs approach and application of our software in each phase is provided in our whitepaper: The  Key Phases of Desktop Transformationwhich outlines the critical considerations and step-by-step guidance through successful desktop virtualization projects.
For more information about Desktop Virtualization technologies in general, see our Desktop Virtualization Overview.
Our “Desktop Transformation Methodology” is comprised of  key phases, including Assess, Design, Migrate and Validate, for the initial POC and Pilot phases of a desktop transformation lifecycle.  In addition, we have defined User Management and User Experience Validation and Monitoring as key considerations when scaling production environments.  Liquidware Labs has also pioneered an industry best practice Health Check Methodology for diagnostics and issue root-cause analysis of virtual desktop environments.
The Liquidware Labs approach has been accepted and promoted by leading Industry Analysts, Systems Integrators and Professional Services Organizations and is now considered the de facto standard methodology  for moving to next generation desktops across all types of organizations.
Each Desktop Transformation phase is enabled by a sophisticated Liquidware Labs solution:
Liquidware Labs Desktop Transformation Essentials Suite offers unprecedented value by delivering the most affordable, easiest to deploy and most universally compatible set of solutions on the market today, providing these key benefits:
  • No "rip & replace" of existing platforms, infrastructure or software. Instead you can extend current systems or automate manual or script-based processes, thus extracting more value from IT investments.
  • Our solutions are fully integrated with each other and with any platform that delivers Windows desktops, eliminating the need to waste money and effort integrating point solutions from different vendors. Learn more about how we support anytime, anywhere, any device strategies.
  • No proprietary approaches that force you to build out expensive and redundant back end systems.
  • Our solutions run as a virtual appliance; no provisioning of separate hardware is needed.
  • Our ProfileUnity user virtualization solution is enterprise-ready, scalable and feature rich, offering granular control of user profiles.
  • The FlexApp feature within ProfileUnity supports virtualized application delivery without affecting underlying desktop images. Fewer desktop images must be managed. This solution simplifies application management to alleviate one of the most challenging aspects of desktop administration.