Access Control » Distributed Personnel Tracking
Advanced Biometric Technology from AKCP provides secure authentication for local and remote sites...

Door Control Unit
Starts from $1650.00 USD
Starts from $1650.00 USD

Cabinet Control Unit
$295.00 USD
$295.00 USD
Local and Remote Solutions from AKCP allow you to create a completely integrated Personnel Tracking solution.

The Door Control Unit provides advanced remote site technology with integrated cameras and access control from 1 to 5000 remote sites.
AKCP is introducing a world first. Distributed Access Control, an intelligent system that tells you who has entered your computer data room, when they exited all visualized on an intuitive central management system.
Access Control » Advanced Biometric Security
Our Fingerprint Access Readers come equipped with advanced capture technology. This not only provides a high level of security but also real time access statistics for your entire remote site infrastructure.
High Resolution AKCP Fingerprint Reader
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AKCess Pro Server Enrollment Interface
Did You Know ? | AKCess Pro's advanced fingerprint scanners use a digitized reading of your finger as a security access key. Fingerprinting is often used in buldings that require a high level of security, such as network data centers and military / government sites. |
Access Control » Engineer Access Times
AKCess Pro Server's Time & Attendance Visual Reporting feature allows you to view and output wide variety of reports unique to your own system. The AKCess Pro Server Management Software includes a number of popular report types so you can start to use your data effectively.

AKCess Pro Server automatically records an exportable record of all the
Access Times of each Remote / Local Site.
Access Times of each Remote / Local Site.
Access Control » Personnel Notifications
There may be occasions when you need to restrict access or even block personnel from sensitive areas or remote site locations. This is especially true when many engineers require access to servers or other business critical equipment.
With AKCP Server, it's possible to automate this Action should access be attempted by a blocked user, or simply a user who does not have the sufficient Access Permissions.
Access Rights can be enabled or disabled to restrict access to a single user after a specific date. This is particularly useful in maintenance situations or for guest user scenarios.
All of this can be monitored and administered remotely using AKCP Server Server and Client Software.
For Example : "I want to send an Email when unauthorized personnel try to access my secure data room."
With AKCP Server, this process is easy and intuitive. The access attempt by the unauthorized personnel will generate an email as set up in your parameters with details of the location, time, date plus detailed photographs of the event.