IPPBX untuk remote office / cabang Anda.

Pusing dengan expansi cabang, tetapi ingin menekan cost biaya komunikasi dan PABX yang dipasang ?

Gunakan myPBX untuk remote office Anda.

Remote Office Solution
 12  1  146

MyPBX provide seamless communications between sites. Enjoy the benefits of extension to extension calls via your data network, extending your available resources across your multiple locations.


  1)How to intercommunication between two MyPBX via VoIP Trunking mode 

  2)How to intercommunication between two MyPBX via VoIP Trunk mode
  3)How to intercommunication among three MyPBX via VoIP Trunking mode
- See more at: http://www.yeastar.com/Solutions/Remote_Office_Solution.asp#sthash.v8O3vpTT.dpuf