Password Access Control Workflow
After successful authentication into Password Manager Pro, users get access to the passwords that are owned by them or shared to them. While storing very sensitive passwords, quite often administrators wish to have an extra level of security. In some other cases, administrators wish to give temporary access to passwords for certain users for a specified period of time.
There are also requirements to give users exclusive privilege to passwords. That means, only one user should be allowed to use a particular password at any point of time. When more than one user is required to work on the same resource, problems of coordination arise. Access control on concurrent usage would help resolve such issues.
To achieve all the above requirements, PMP provides the Password Access Control Workflow.
How does password access control work?
Once password access control is enforced, the password access attempt by the users will follow the work flow as detailed below:
- User needs access to a password that is shared to him/her
- Makes a request for accessing the password
- Request goes to administrator(s) for approval. If more users require access to the same password, all the requests will be queued up for approval
- If the administrator(s) does not approve the request within the stipulated time, it becomes void
- If the administrator rejects the request, it becomes void
- If the administrator(s) approves the request, user will be allowed to check out the password. In case, two administrators have to approve a password, user will be allowed to check only after the approval by both the administrators
- Once the user checks out a password, it will be available exclusively for his/her use till the stipulated time
- If any other user requires access to the same password at the same time, he will be provided access only after the previous user checks in the password. This rule applies to all, including administrators, password administrators and owner of the password
- Administrator can force out password access anytime. In such cases, the password will be forcefully checked-in denying access to the user
- Once the user finishes his work, the password will be reset
- While giving the exclusive access to a user temporarily, PMP provides the flexibility to enable administrators view the password concurrently. Through a simple administrative setting from “General Settings”, users will be able to do that, if required.