README for Version 9.0
Issues Fixed in 9014 (Released on: 23 June, 2014)
- SD-57072 : Problem in upgrading to 9013 for the SDP instances have initially installed SDP version 7500 (or earlier) and had modified any of the default Requests reports (till 7514 build) has been fixed.
- SD-57090 : Unable to execute some default custom reports having 'summary type' for columns configured after upgrading to 9013 has been fixed.
New Feature in 9013 (Released on: 16 June, 2014)
- SDF-52648 : Technician and Requester can have option to associate the request to the project to which they are associated to. Based on Self Service Portal Settings,Project association to Requesters can be enabled or disabled. By default this option will be disabled.
Issues Fixed in 9012 (Released on: 06 June, 2014)
- SD-56926 : After upgrading to 9011, Some of the Dashboard charts under Helpdesk tab shows Plugin is missing / Install Missing plugin. This issue is fixed.
New Feature in 9011 (Released on: 21 May, 2014)
- SDF-52732 : Support for scanning HP-UX OS machines.
- SDF-53337 : Backup process (manual/scheduled backup) will create multiple .data files based on the file size. By default size of each .data files will be 1GB and this can be configurable based on the globalconfig database entry ranging from 500MB to 1.5GB. Backup file will be placed in a separate folder, that overcomes the unzipping error for huge backup file during restore.NOTE: If the complete backup data size is less than 1GB, single backup file will be created. And if the backup size more than 1GB, multiple .data files each of size (1GB) with the name, etc., will be present under backup folder. While restore any one of the split backup file can be selected, and restore will identify all the other dependent split backup and restore.
- SDF-56641 : The backup process will include the keystore file if exists.
Issues Fixed in 9011
- SD-46727 : Request Description moved to an iframe so that any mismatch in html construction in the description content will not affect the details page UI construction.
- SD-56591 : Slowness in mail fetching when the mail description having more html tags.
- SD-56588 : Inline images are added without extension when it is processed based on content location is now handled to set the extension based on contenttype.
- SD-54736 : Software compliance is wrong when changing the user's site during scheduled user import.
- SD-55434 : When product type "Software" is edited under Admin, the new products of type Software are added under product type with name as empty.
- SD-55488 : Software compliance displayed in graph is wrong when site chosen is 'Not associated to any site' in Software tab.
- SD-55530 : Unable to add multiple licenses simultaneously to a license agreement.
- SD-55857 : CMDB software report is not working in Postgres and SQL Server database.
- SD-56080 : CMDB relationships are not showing after upgrade to 9000.
- SD-56270 : Unable to renew the contracts which are having file attachments.
- SD-55758 : Distributed asset scan failed when the remote server assets are in active state but the same assets are marked as 'Expired'/'Disposed' in central server.
- SD-53946 : Installed software are not fetched while scanning workstations with Maverick OS.
- SD-55767 : NullPointerException is thrown if Printers are tried to be identified based on the sysDescr obtained from the device.
- SD-55768 : Unable to import data from remote server if the number of physical drives in a single machine is huge as incase of clustered machines.
- SD-55472 : Site details are not updated for IT assets except workstation and server when importing remote data.
- SD-53446 : Showing wrong model number when scanning a lenovo machine.
- SD-56072 : Guest OS information is removed when scanning virtual machines
- SD-55692 : VMWare discovery failed when SSH service is disabled in device.
- SD-56451 : Problem during restoring of data by specifying the errorignore table list is fixed.
Issues Fixed in 9010 (Released on: 12 May, 2014)
- SD-56592 : Unable to save Admin > Self Service Portal Settings for users using Standard edition of ServiceDesk Plus.
Issues Fixed in 9009 (Released on: 7 May, 2014)
- SD-56235 : In Reports > Custom Reports > Request related reports, when selecting the Workstation as one of the columns, it displays only the workstations that are associated to requests and not the other assets that are associated. The column now has been changed to Assets. Selecting this column will display both the workstations and assets that are associated to a request.
- SD-56548 : While modifying the sites that are associated to a technician, the criteria of all the business rules that are present in his associated sites gets changed from 'OR' to 'AND'
- SD-56551 : While replying to a conversation and updating the status from the reply window, the status of a different request is updated. It works fine when a reply is made to the original request instead of the conversation.
- SD-55905 : Exception in the widgets present in the Dashboard. Happens for technicians who have SDAdmin and a site restricted role associated to him.
New Features in 9008 (Released on: 29 April, 2014)
- SDF-56428 : New 'Self Service Portal" option to assign any completed status (like resolved, completed etc.,) as status representing task completion, instead of using the default closed status.
- SDF-56255, SDF-50464 : The time period of SLA Escalation Schedule is changed to 5 Minutes
- SDF-55946 : New Date format is added in Personalize menu( MM DD, YYYY ).
- SDF-55925 : Group/Technician Marking option of Task is now available in Project Gantt view.
- SDF-55922 : Details page next-previous navigation is introduced in Project and Milestone.
- SDF-54871 : Only View control for All Projects, is now possible in Project roles.
- SDF-50427 : Now a worklog can be added with 0 as value for "Time Taken To Resolve".
- SDF-34005 : New Option given to add tasks using Task template, inside Request template(both incident and service request).
- SDF-24196 : Option to add Attachment for Tasks is now available.
Issues Fixed in 9008
- SD-56427 : In Swedish and Korean translations some of the alert messages and texts are not i18n-ed properly. They are appearing in English language itself.
- SD-52079 : In Dashboard tab, sites drop down, all the sites that are available for a technician will not be displayed. Only the first 7 or 8 sites would be shown. This issue happens only in case of Internet Explorer.
- SD-56443, SD-55492, SD-50648 : In DST enabled zones, the calendar used for selecting dates display's Apr 1st a wednesday, when actually Apr 1st is a Tuesday. This happens in places where DST is enabled. Reports, Marking unavailability, setting project dates etc.. will be affected by this.
- SD-55964 : In Portuguese language, the SLA section present in Admin > Organizational Details is wrongly translated as Software.
- SD-56144 : Unsaved resolution content gets lost, while changing tab in Request details page has been fixed.
- SD-56133 : Modifications of "Actual hours" field in Project is not getting recorded in Project history, has been fixed.
- SD-55944 : While spot editing the Task's date fields, the calendar gets submit while changing the time, has been fixed.
- SD-55923 : Cannot view Project history, when value for "Estimated Hours" is changed to 0.
- SD-55916 : Throwing error message popup in Homepage task list view, after the refresh frequency time is completed.
- SD-55859 : In Task notifications, received email contains I18N key instead of replaced String, has been fixed.
- SD-55681 : Request's tasks auto trigger not working, when the request is approved using link given in approval email.
- SD-53726 : Improper UI in Gantt view, if the task name is lengthy, has been fixed.
- SD-50752 : Now the "Total Time Taken" in worklog list will summarize the time taken of all worklogs, instead of summarizing only worklogs displayed on screen.
- SD-50710 : Worklogs added under Request's tasks is now included in Request Timespent report.
- SD-56022 : Task and Worklog description window default height increased.
- SD-55021 : Tooltip(with appropriate message) added for Task's Group/Technician marked icon.
- SD-56490 : Schedule time is updated for ADSynchronizationSchedule. Next schedule time of AD/LDAP schedule is updated based on schedule start time
New Features in 9007 (Released on: 21 April, 2014)
- SDF-56001 : WorkLog operations as in Web Client view can be performed using the REST API.
- SDF-56007 : In REST API - Option to make note addition as request first response.
Issues Fixed in 9007
- SD-56125 : In REST API - GET_REQUEST operation response, '&' symbol is shown duplicated for short description column in JSON format.
- SD-56043 : In REST API - Unable to remove service request resource answers in JSON format.
- SD-56008 : In REST API - GET_REQUEST_FILTERS operation response, Filter label "My Groups" is shown.
- SD-56007 : In REST API - Option to make note addition as request first response.
- SD-55937 : In REST API - Support Group - GET_ALL operation shows 'No Groups' as response for 'Refer Site'.
- SD-56002 : Unable to move request to Unassigned state through REST API - ASSIGN_REQUEST operation
- SD-49872 : While reply request through REST API, Technician Reply is shown as Requester reply in Request List View.
- SD-56009 : In Native App, Values for fields Responded time,Resolved Date and Completed time not shown in Request Details page
- SD-56004 : While editing Refer Site request, the group names are not get listed in Native App
- SD-56003 : When group field is above the site field in template canvas, group field value of request is incorrect in Native App
- SD-48577 : Backup Technician is not getting set to the unassigned state.
- SD-56124 : Service Catagory names are not shown in full while accessing service templates.
- SD-56143 : Incorrect caching of incoming-mailserver details instead of mailportdetails.
- SD-55129 : Change Downtime Related issues:
- If the Start time or End time of a Downtime is not set, "N/A" string is displayed in the input box on spot edit.
- Tooltip for "-" link wrongly shown as "Add Downtime". It should be "Remove Downtime".
- Assume downtime are not added yet. Click "Add" button under DownTime header. Add more than one row using "+" link. Now remove all rows using "-" link. This action removes "Add" link under downtime header.
- Spot edit of Start time/End time of a downtime is not working after Edit and Update that downtime.
- While editing a downtime, previously edited downtime section is not get closed.
- Add multiple downtime details using "+" link then remove description for some downtime. In this case, Mandatory check for description is not working when "Save" button is clicked.
- SD-56121 : Vulnerability issues fixed.
New Features in 9006 (Released on: 14 April, 2014)
- SDF-27287 : Scheduled user import from LDAP can be configured.This can be configured from the Admin -> Active Directory -> Schedule AD/LDAP import.
NOTE : User import schedule will work based on Global config entry, with category='Scheduled_User_Import' and parameter='EnabledFor' and allowed paramvalues are BOTH (default), AD and LDAP. If it is BOTH, AD as well as LDAP schedule import will be done. If it is AD, ActiveDirectory schedule alone will be done. Or if it is LDAP, LDAP schedule alone will be done.
Issues Fixed in 9006
- SD-56090 : Group/Technician turns unassigned while editing requests through bulk edit from request list view.
New Features in 9005 (Released on: 8 April, 2014)
- SDF-48763 : On Splitting a conversation as a new request, Site, Group and Technician of Parent request will be set to the New Request created.
NOTE : This is a behavior change, earlier the Site of the Parent ticket alone will be set in the "New Request" created as a result of the split operation. - SD-55847 : The size of the Reply/Forward popup windows of the request are enlarged.
Issues Fixed in 9005
- SD-55545 : On reply from the request having TO/CC filed with group email addresses, mail sent to group email id gets created as new request and assigned to the group to which the email is sent.
NOTE : We fixed the above issue by removing any of the configured Group Email id in TO / CC fields while replying. This is a behavior change, as earlier all the email id's will be filled in the TO / CC fields. - SD-56046 : UI collapse when changing tabs under Personalize window for the environment having license without Multi-Language provision.
- SD-55935 : Unable to renew contracts which has attachments.
- SD-55490 : In the service request multi-level approval, approval status modified to 'to be sent' instead of 'pending approval', when one of the stage approval is approved.
- SD-55440 : For service requests configured with multiple stages of approval, 'Awaiting approval' count in requester login doesn't show those requests once the first stage approver approves it has been fixed.
- SD-54981 : When a service template is associated to a support group and then if the support group is renamed, technicians of that support group is not able to view that service template has been fixed.
- SD-55469 : The default value is not loaded in the date additional field of the service template has been fixed.
- SD-55480 : All the technicians are listed irrespective of the selected group in the request template page under the admin section has been fixed.
- SD-55501 : Below notifications which sends the notification in the plain text formatting though the rich text formatting is enabled has been fixed.* Notify editor when a request is waiting for update
* Notify requester when a request is waiting for update by editor
* Notify requester when a request is updated by editor
* Notify requester when intermediate editor is changed by technician
* Notify old editor when he is removed from the responsibility
* Notify new editor when a request is waiting for update
* Notify technician when a request is updated by editor - SD-55271 : While searching the request template, the request template which are associated to the user groups are not listed has been fixed.
New Features in 9004 (Released on: 31 March, 2014)
- SDF-55860 : Enhancements to the New Service Request page->select approvers field in technician login.
- Option to type,search and select the service request approvers from the 'select approvers' field.
- Placeholders like $REPORTING_TO$, $DEPT_HEAD$ along with the approvers will be displayed with username, emailid, department so that it will be easy for the user to identify the exact approver from the approver list.
- Option to select / remove multiple Approvers from the 'select approver' field.
Issues Fixed in 9004
- SD-55921 : While generating Custom Report the department names are shown duplicated in report criteria values. This happens when copy site exists in the product.
- SD-55579 : When Request Custom View created with Filter columns like OverDue Status, ReOpened not working in PGSQL
- SD-54936 : After Request Creation , non-english character (Ã) disappears in the description field
- SD-52706 : Null Pointer Exception Occurs while duplicating the Approved/Rejected request
- SD-55939 : Technician Space Notification count shown on Browser Title
- SD-52483 : Technician Space Notification will not be shown for technicians performing any operations on a request for themselves
- SD-51786 : Technician Space Approval notification not shown for Third Stage Service Approver
- SD-54877 : In REST API help doc, XML Input format for GET_REQUESTS operation updated
- SD-55123 : Completed Time of the Change does not reset while stage-status changed from close-completed or close-canceled
- SD-55903 : Global search for Change module is not working in non-english language
- SD-55904 : Unable to download the file attachments from planning or review stage (Change details page) if the Change gone through planning or review stage.
- SD-55657 : Conversation is not set as public when a reply from a requester contains mail address in upper case format
- SD-55855 : After upgrading to 9.0, some times the Lucene based search is not working, as the indexing is not committed
- SD-55965 : We can search an exact string by specifying them with in the double quotes. Say for Ex: Earlier when we search for John Roberts, it will fetch results of "John", "Roberts", and "John Roberts". And now we can able to search exactly on "John Roberts" by specifying them with in the double quotes.
Issues Fixed in 9003 (Released on: 12 March, 2014)
- SD-46182 : Site Restricted technician have no option to edit/delete his own report.
- SD-52754 : Service Category configured in default template not get updated when request added through Quick Create/Email.
- SD-53480 : When a request is created using servlet API, the provided template is not set in the request created.
- SD-54064 : Spelling mistake in the alert message, when technician login through native app.
- SD-54428 : HTML tags got removed while reply request through REST API.
- SD-54773 : If request subject contains < and > symbol, it is changed to < and > in notification mail
- SD-54848 : When a incident additional field is configured with a default value as 'N/A', while doing inline-block edit in request details page, the value gets disappeared.
- SD-55583 : In new request page, select the Site, Group and Technician. Now if the requester name is selected using the auto complete function, the Site, Group and Technician would be modified based on requester's site. In such case, the Technician listing is not in alphabetical order.
- SD-55139, SD-36909 : In IE 10 Compact view and chrome, the Group names are not sorted alphabetically.
- SD-51987, SD-49322, SD-48476, SD-35158 : When selecting a Category, the Subcategory values are not sorted alphabetically.
- SD-51341 : In new Problem and new Change, when a site is selected, the corresponding Technicians list is not in alphabetical order.
- SD-48459 : In IE 10 normal mode, the Group and Technicians values in the new Request drop down are shown multiple times.
- SD-55670 : If any technician name start with a 'single quote' or other special characters, then while changing the site, the '-- Select Technician --' option is missing from the Technician drop down.
- SD-51595 : 'First response time should be lesser than Dueby time' has been corrected as 'First Response time should be less than Dueby Time'.
- SD-55562 : Notification not sent to assigned Technician for a Service Request, if the Service Request workflow is configured with assign technician on approve is enabled.
- SD-55680 : In some cases, unable to edit support group because of some inconsistencies with the CIID associated with it.
- SD-46049 : Support Group added / updated with description is not shown in SupportGroup List View.
- SD-49491 : Unable to edit Service Request when a asset associated with the Service Request gets deleted.
- SD-54211 : Autofill of Requester names is not working in "Requested By" field of change module and "Reported By" field of Problem module while creating/editing change or problem.
- SD-55716 : Unable to add or modify change template in Professional edition with Change Add On.
- SD-55844 : If "Alert Change Manager, Change Owner, Change Approver, CAB members by Email when any Recommendation is taken on change" notification is enabled, notification are wrongly sent to approvers of all changes instead of a particular change.
- SD-55745 : In Change module, additional fields with value "N/A" is not shown on inline/spot edit.
Behaviour Changes:
- "Reported By" field of problem module can not be editable in details page. It can be edited through Global Edit as in Requester module.
Issues Fixed in 9002 (Released on: 03 March, 2014)
- SD-55837 : When importing scanned XML(s) or scanning assets, scheduled activities like E-Mail Fetching, SLA escalation, Scheduled reports, Backup schedule etc were affected. This may occur due to multi thread racing condition (during scanning) which causes database tables to get locked.
Issues Fixed in 9001 (Released on: 25 February, 2014)
- SD-55699 : Actions menu not visible in request list view when the technician does not have request "Delete" permission.
New Features in 9000 (Released on: 11 February, 2014)
- SDF-53448 : New Change Management with Workflow, Stage and Status, Notifications, Change Roles, Change Template etc.
- Change Template: Option to create multiple Change Templates and specify a workflow for each template.
- Change Workflow: To represent the business change process as a workflow. Support for creating a normal template and an emergency template with each having its own workflow
- Stage and Status: Six stages of Change path. Submission, Planning, Approval, Implementation, Review and Close. Each stage has their own status list.
- Change Roles: Defining various change roles being played in the organization e.g Change Implementer, Analyzer, CAB Member, Line Manager, etc... Each role defined with scope on accessing various stages.
- Notifications: Notifications based on status - Option to configure the roles to whom the notification should be sent when a change comes to a specific status
- Others: Support for specifying the closure code, down times, impacted user and assets, reason for change and the risk involved in the change
- SDF-26804 : Support for license management of software suite.
- SDF-31289 : Support for upgrade and downgrade license.
- SDF-54974 : Detecting suite software installations automatically based on rule.
- SDF-52063 : Support for site based software compliance.
- SDF-52064 : Customizable report for software.
- SDF-52066 : Ability to purchase upgrade licenses from Purchase Order.
- SDF-54975 : New enhanced UI is introduced in software details and list view page.
- SDF-53455 : REST API for CMDB Module: API for performing add, update, read and delete CIs, relationships between CIs and creating CI Types.
- SDF-53952 : Update request status while replying to a request.
- SDF-53450 : Ability to schedule OnHold requests to ReOpen at a specific time.
- SDF-53451 : Ability to link requests with comments.
- SDF-35370 : Featuring 'Request Trash' to recover deleted requests.
- SDF-52720 : Reply Template can be customized to add variables.
- SDF-53452 : Ability to create new service request from an incident request.
- SDF-53954 : Service Request to Purchase Order association.
- SDF-36913 : Service Category of Service Catalog can be changed while copying a Service Template.
- SDF-53938 : Reordering the resources inside the service catalog is introduced.
- SDF-53642 : Under Requester login, all the first level approvers configured in the service template in "Select Approver" field will be shown by default.
- SDF-54879 : Feature to set "ReportingTo" or "Manager" field of users through CSV import based on "Reporting To Email" has been implemented.
- SDF-55103 : "Reporting To" or "Manager" field can be imported through scheduled CSV import has been implemented.
- SDF-53937 : Enabling high speed Lucene search for request and solution module.
- SDF-46685 : New button 'TODAY' in calendar to set current date
- SDF-53698 : Dashboard Customization : Matrix reports & Charts of Custom report can be added to dashboard.
- SDF-50157 : Marked task owner of the dependent task will be assigned once it's parent tasks are closed. Inline edit of task attributes under task list view provided. Dependent tasks will have a dependency icon before title under task list view. On-hovering the same the parent tasks will be highlighted under that list.
- SDF-53953 : Support for Active Directory password reset using Robo technician in 64-bit installation.
- SDF-53454 : Multi-currency support in purchase order for procuring assets/services from different vendors who deal with different currencies.
Issues Fixed in 9000
- SD-51793 : Notification for the requester when a request is assigned to a technician via native app is provided.
- SD-51776 : "Notify Requester when a new request by mail" notification will not be sent for Spam Mails.
- SD-53017 : "Notify requester when a request is assigned to a technician" notification is not available in the Professional and Standard Edition has been fixed.
- SD-54646 : Issue in calculating time spent on request if it is in On-Hold status during weekends/holidays has been fixed.
- SD-53124 : Marking Conversation status as public/private in MySql has been fixed.
- SD-50554 : Business Rules configured with TO/CC field having "Contains/does not contains" criteria and it has multiple values, then the criteria will be disappeared in list view and edit page. [NOTE : We need to users having problem with the BR with above criteria to be edited and saved once to show the criteria properly in the UI]
- SD-50907 : In Business rule, condition is saved as 'Ends with', on choosing condition as 'Begins with' has been fixed.
- SD-55042 : While adding new request, base href tag getting appended to link tags has been fixed.
- SD-53409 : User configured in the 'Reporting to' or "Manager" field get removed after Active Directory/LDAP/CSV import.
- SD-53904 : Error occured while performing search in template list view has been fixed.
- SD-53745 : Error occured at sometimes in dashboard for Request_Received_In_Last_X_Days,Request_Closed_In_Last_X_Days has been fixed.
- SD-54827 : Performance issue has been fixed when attaching files under change, problem, project and milestone Details page
- SD-49135 : Unable to send reply/forward (Request module), Notifications (Problem / Change module), if the inline image present in the content does not exists in the respective folder.
- SD-46159,54468 : For some Languages, Action button missing in Requester List view page has been fixed.
- SD-41384 : Workstation Advanced filter : RAM (in MB) filter is not working.
- SD-46814 : Workstation Advanced filter : Model name filter is not working in Internet Explorer.
- SD-52188 : Error occured while viewing printer details page.
- SD-49753 : Error occured while performing "Save and Add New" from create new server page.
- SD-50265 : Assets by region graph is not showing correct data.
- SD-50405 : Scan - Proper error message is not displayed if duplicate Service Tags are added under Admin --> Scan settings --> Invalid service tag list.
- SD-48168 : Scan - Software not scanned in Japanese Ubuntu linux machines.
- SD-50843 : Scan - Memory leak issue during Agent scan.
- SD-50565 : Scan - Error occurred while scanning a linux machine if the linux machine is not configured under any domain.
- SD-51209 : Scan - Usability issue in displaying BIOS version in the workstation hardware details page.
- SD-52095 : Scan - Solaris scan : Total memory displayed with wrong information.
- SD-52096 : Scan - Sudo support is enhanced using “sudo su -” command for all unix based scanning.
- SD-50404 : Remote Server - Cannot push data to central server due to invalid xml characters in printer details.
- SD-51403 : Remote Control - Dameware remote control showing $DOMAINNAME instead of the Domain value.
- SD-52069 : Unable to create software product from "Add New Purchase Order" page.
- SD-51049 : If the PO is approved, clicking on the link provided in approval notification mail leads to a page which displays "You cannot approve this PO".
- SD-51440 : Unable to send PO approval notifications if the description contains $ symbol.
- SD-52763 : PO approval in non-login mode doesn't work if $ symbol is present in the comments.
- SD-47944 : "Associated software" menu in PO details page is not working when PO is in closed state.
- SD-46041 : Loading products list is too slow in create new PO page if the number of products is huge.
- SD-51932 : XSS vulnerability issue while submitting the PO for approval.
- SD-45490 : In add new contract page, invalid E-Mailid is getting saved for “Users to be Notified” field.
- SD-49436 : Contract which is already renewed is being allowed to renew once again.
- SD-51197 : Reports - Updating the company details in Admin is updated in the generated report.
- SD-53352 : Reports - Cannot generate the Audit history report after restoring pgsql data.
- SD-50740 : In PGSQL, Report generated using piechart with axis column as overdue status shows only overdue request has been fixed.
- SD-54662 : Issue with constructing custom reports by including On-Behalf-Of user column of incident/service request has been fixed.