Integrasikan AppManager + OpManager mudahkan deteksi problem aplikasi Anda

Business applications typically use a complex infrastructure to meet business needs. These complex applications use application servers, databases, servers, web services, URLs, web servers, load balancers, and other network devices. How can an IT Administrator Troubleshoot a production issue quickly? With the introduction of the network monitoring connector from ManageEngine, IT managers will now be able to monitor the availability and performance of both network devices and application tier under a single web console.
While Applications Manager provides availability and performance monitoring for applications and databases, OpManager provides the same for network devices. This information is then provided in a single snapshot for the IT manager under a single web console.
ManageEngine Applications Manager: It provides one of the best innovative, low-cost solutions for monitoring the availability and performance of application servers, databases and systems. More...
ManageEngine OpManager:  It is an efficient network monitoring software that offers comprehensive fault and performance management across WAN, servers and other IT infrastructure. More...
The integrated networks, servers and applications monitoring is achieved through the " ManageEngine OpManager Network Monitoring Connector" in ManageEngine Applications Manager.