Integrasikan NAGIOS dengan AKCP

Nagios SNMP Monitoring Software Integrates with AKCP

The AKCP sensorProbe and securityProbe series of devices being fully SNMP compliant can be integrated with a number of Network Management Software (NMS).
Nagios is an industry standard open source NMS that is used to monitor IT infrastructure, thus reducing downtime and business losses. It manages the network by monitoring, alerting and reporting on network status, outages and infrastructure components.
AKCP’s Environmental and Security monitoring solutions for data centers and computer rooms are rack-mounted devices that collect data from connected sensors, such as temperature, humidity and airflow. The base units can run as standalone units and report via E-Mail, SMS and other alerting methods, or be used as part of a greater network monitoring operation by communicating with the Nagios NMS through SNMP.
AKCP devices were recently tested for compatibility by Nagios engineers and are now certified Nagios compliant. To find out more about how to connect your AKCP sensorProbe devices with Nagios click here.