Then we join the big event of 2017 TAIWAN INDONESIA INDUSTRIAL COLLABORATION SUMMIT , and they are 5 areas, including ICT.
I think almost 200 people join this meeting.
After the plenary meeting, we entered our areas of meeting. This is our team. My self, Fanky Christian, Mr. Ashari Abidin, Mr. Andi Tanudiredja, and Mr. Ary Achmad Arman (ITB), and Mr. Soegiharto Santoso as team leader, he is also Chairman of APKOMINDO and APTIKNAS.
Although APTIKNAS (Asosiasi Pengusaha Teknologi Informasi & Komunikasi Nasional) or National ICT Businessman , we have the same structure with APKOMINDO. We have 25 sub regional agency throughout Indonesia which can help to implement, support IoT and Smart City implementations.
In the ICT forum, we discussed with great people, such as CTO Asus, President Tatung. Mr. Soegiharto Santoso (Hoky) highlighted some issue that we can collaborate together to achieve success together.
We have finalized 3 main issue to collaborate together. And APKOMINDO or APTIKNAS ready to support these issues. Also Smart City Initiatives Indonesia will support these. We also have Mr. Andi (from Makasar City Gov) and Mr. Wahyudi (from BPJT) join the effort.
This is our picture on finalized collaboration together in the forum.
We have dinner together with all the members.
We do hope our collaboration will bring success to everyone.