AKCP SP2 untuk monitoring tombol industrial

AKCP bisa digunakan untuk memonitor TOMBOL-TOMBOL yang digunakan di berbagai area di pabrik Anda. Dan kondisi ini bisa dimonitor oleh perangkat AKCP.

Berikut contoh implementasi AKCP SP2 dengan memonitor tombol OFF-ON yang otomatis menyalakan lampu fungsi dan dry-contact yang terkoneksi ke tombol juga.

Weir Minerals use AKCP SP2 for industrial monitoring

AKCP provided 30 sensorProbe2 devices with dry contacts to be integrated into the “Andon” station network in the Weir Minerals Manufacturing facility in Madison, Wisconsin, USA. Andon systems are one of the tools Weir Minerals use as part of their “lean manufacturing” process that helps to identify and resolve manufacturing support issues. The objective of this system is to resolve any conditions that are inhibiting production as rapidly as possible.
Weir Minerals use AKCP SP2 for industrial monitoring
Weir Minerals use AKCP SP2 for industrial monitoring
The system at Weir has 30 stations, each consisting of an SP2 device, switch box and light stack. The switches are connected to the light stack, and the machine operator turns the switch to illuminate the appropriate light should a problem arise. This also triggers as associated dry contact connected to the SP2 device. The SP2 then triggers the response team members designated to address that specific condition via e-mail and SMS text messaging, alerting them to the specific location in the factory.
Weir Minerals use AKCP SP2 for industrial monitoring