PHPRunner and ASPRunner.NET 10.6 BETA is here!


beta version of PHPRunner and ASPRunner.NET 10.6 is here! (ASPRunnerPro 10.6 will be available soon).

Please note this is a beta version and not ready to be used in production yet. If you purchased PHPRunner or ASPRunner.NET less than one year ago, you can download the registered version via your control panel. If you purchased more than one year ago you can also see upgrade links in the control panel.

A complete list of new features and trial version download links are available in this blog post

Other news
We almost finished a new HelpDesk template, you can expect to see it the next week. Also, a new version of the Chat template with group chat functionality will be available in a few days.

New layout of the login page:
New login page layout
Session expiration control:
Session expiration control
New security providers in Enterprise Edition:
New security providers

Stay tuned!