Tier pada Data Center
Design data center berangkat dari kebutuhan yang ada, untuk kemudian didefinisikan berbagai perlengkapan IT yang diperlukan beserta pemilihan teknologi berbarengan dengan designs infrastruktur data center yang lain. Ada 4 tier dalam perancangan data center yang setiap tiernya menawarkan tingkat availabilitas yang berbeda disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan suatu data center menurut TIA 942 (Telecommunication Industry Association). Berikut diberikan tabel spesifikasi setiap tier pada data center:PARAMETER | TIER I -BASIC | TIER II - REDUNDANT COMPONENTS | TIER III - CONCURRENTLY MAINTAINABLE | TIER IV - FAULT TOLERANT |
Tingkat availabilitas | 99.671% | 99.741% | 99.982% | 99.995% |
Sifat terhadap gangguan (terencana atau tidak) | Rentan | Agak Rentan | Tidak rentan terhadap gangguan terencana (karena sudah ada skenario penanggulangan), namun masih rentan terhadap gangguan tidak terencana | Tidak Rentan |
Keadaan power dan cooling distribution | Single path with no redundancy | Single path with redundant component (N+1) | Multiple power and cooling distribution path tetapi hanya satu path yang aktif, termasuk komponen yang redundant (N+1) | Multiple active power and cooling distribution path termasuk komponen yang redundant 2(N+1) |
Ketersediaan raised floor, UPS, generator | Bisa ada maupun tidak | Harus punya raised floor, UPS dan generator | Harus punya raised floor, UPS dan generator | Harus punya raised floor, UPS dan generator |
Waktu implementasi | 3 bulan | 3-6 bulan | 15-20 bulan | 15-20 bulan |
Downtime tahunan | 28.8 jam | 22.0 jam | 1.6 jam | 0.4 jam |
Cara untuk melakukan maintenance preventif | Harus di shutdown keseluruhan | Hanya untuk power path dan beberapa bagian lain dari infrastruktur yang memerlukan proses shutdown | Memiliki kapasitas tambahan dan distribusi yang cukup untuk menampung beban yang dipunyai sistem utama ketika sistem tersebut di maintenance | |
Skala data center yang cocok dibangun | Kecil | Sedang | Besar (skala enterprise) | Besar (skala enterprise) |
sumber: wikipidia.org
Q. What is data center tiers? What is tier 1 data center? Which tier / level is the best for maximum uptime?
A. Tier 1 to 4 data center is nothing but a standardized methodology used to define uptime of data center. This is useful for measuring:
a) Data center performance
b) Investment
c) ROI (return on investment)
Tier 4 data center considered as most robust and less prone to failures. Tier 4 is designed to host mission critical servers and computer systems, with fully redundant subsystems (cooling, power, network links, storage etc) and compartmentalized security zones controlled by biometric access controls methods. Naturally, the simplest is a Tier 1 data center used by small business or shops.
- Tier 1 = Non-redundant capacity components (single uplink and servers).
- Tier 2 = Tier 1 + Redundant capacity components.
- Tier 3 = Tier 1 + Tier 2 + Dual-powered equipments and multiple uplinks.
- Tier 4 = Tier 1 + Tier 2 + Tier 3 + all components are fully fault-tolerant including uplinks, storage, chillers, HVAC systems, servers etc. Everything is dual-powered.
Data Center Availability According To Tiers
The levels also describes the availability of data from the hardware at a location as follows:- Tier 1: Guaranteeing 99.671% availability.
- Tier 2: Guaranteeing 99.741% availability.
- Tier 3: Guaranteeing 99.982% availability.
- Tier 4: Guaranteeing 99.995% availability.