Network Audit dengan LAN Sweeper

Fungsi lain dari LAN Sweeper, adalah untuk melakukan audit jaringan LAN.

Lansweeper discovers Windows, Linux and Mac machines in your network. In addition, it inventories network devices such as Printers, Routers and Switches.

  • Agent free scanning.
  • Unlimited clients.
  • Over 250 default network reports.

Scan computers without having to deploy agents
Lansweeper network inventory comes with a variety of scanning methods, which can be used standalone or in combination with others. While one agent based scanning method is available, using it is completely optional. Most of the Lansweeper scanning methods in fact do not require agents on your machines.
A wide range of computer details are scanned for Windows machines. Hardware, software, event logs, Windows updates and product keys are just a few of the items you'll be able to report on.
Computer action screen
Scan offsite computers
Lansweeper allows you to scan offsite computers that are not part of your network. An agent based scanning method is included in your installation that takes full, local inventories of your client machines. These scan files can then be integrated, manually or automatically, into your database.
Agent based scanning is ideal if you have employees that are frequently on the move. Running a scan takes just a few seconds and your workers can email the subsequent scan results while on the road.
Discover network devices
Lansweeper discovers, scans and organizes your network devices such as printers, routers and switches.
Scanned devices are automatically sorted into categories based on their device type. This make it easy for you to find the ones you need. You can custom sort devices based on IP address as well or perform searches for particular devices through the web console.
Network device
Scan on the fly, on a schedule or upon login
The reason Lansweeper offers not one, but many scanning methods for network inventory is to give you complete control over how your network is scanned. Your scanning needs may vary depending on the size of your company and its internal dynamics.
Lansweeper gives you the option of scanning your computers on a schedule or when they're logged into. You can also quickly rescan one or more machines through the web or configuration console.
Computer list