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Did you know that a bank's IT assets can often account for 50% of the total enterprise resource base and sometimes as much as 80% of the capital expenditure?

Businesses in the BFSI domain who keep track of their IT assets with basic tools like databases or spreadsheets face risks like inaccurate inventory data, costly physical inventories, poor asset lifecycle management, underutilization of assets, and substandard procurement processes.

Noncompliance with regulations and license agreements and the inability to establish control over IT assets can make such businesses susceptible to security breaches and fall short during internal and external audits.

Motadata ServiceOps IT Asset Management helps BFSI organizations to develop efficient business service management processes and achieve regulatory and contractual compliance.

Our ITAM platform offers the following advantages:

> efficient lifecycle management

> cost-savings by better tracking and identifying unused IT assets

> consolidation of redundant asset repositories

> better control and consistency over purchasing

> eliminate the risk of expiry through proper contract management

Ensure Compliance and Control with Motadata ServiceOps ITAM  

Automatic Asset DiscoveryAsset Lifecycle Management
CMDBSoftware License Management with Software Metering
Purchase ManagementContract Management

Trusted by Leading Customers in India

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And Yes, All of That Using a Single Platform.

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MonitoringLog and FlowServiceOpsAsset Management