Base Units » The securityProbe 5ESV
The backbone to each of your telecoms locations is the securityProbe, a sophisticated unit with interfaces that allow you to set parameters for monitoring temperature, humidity, water leakage, motion detection, door security and importantly generator fuel levels.

The securityProbe integrates with a wide variety of intelligent sensors giving you great flexibility in building a complete monitoring and control environment to match your exact Telecom Site requirements.

A great feature of all AKCP products is their ability to connect to the AKCess Pro Server. This effectively creates mass storage capabilities limited only to specifications of the Server Storage.
The securityProbe is a highly intelligent local control device with interfaces that allow you to set parameters for monitoring and control of temperature, humidity, generator fuel levels and run time, voltage status, battery health etc. No other software or hardware is required.
Base Units » The securityProbe 5ESV » EDGE-180M USB Modem
EDGE-180M USB Modem
Just $225.00 USD
Just $225.00 USD

No other hardware or software is required. SMS, MMS and Voice call alerts can be sent automatically from the unit using a GSM modem.
It is quite common for these remote Telecom sites to not have access to any network (LAN or WAN) due to their remote locations. The only access possible is then via a GPRS network through GSM USB modems.
The EDGE 180M GSM USB modem is a third party modem that can be connected to the securityProbe on board USB port allowing for the real time status of the unit and sensors to be pushed out at pre-set intervals. This modem has been fully tested and is offered as an accessory by AKCess Pro.

The GSM modem allows the data from the unit and of all the sensors to periodically (any preset time required) be sent directly to web servers. This is performed using an HTTP GET/POST through the "heartbeat" message feature as a script.
Intelligent Sensors
» Temperature and Humidity Sensors(Waterproof Options Available)
The internal temperature and humidity of the equipment cabinet or storage container at the remote sites can be monitored using AKCP's single port dual temperature \ humidly sensor. Alerts can be sent if preset thresholds are reached.
» Water / Flood Detection
» Weatherproof Outdoor Motion Detector
» Door / Server Rack Sensor
» Ultrasonic Fuel Level Sensor
» AC Voltage Sensor
» iDCV or Isolated DC Voltage Sensor
» PMS or Power Monitoring Sensor
» IO-Digital8 Sensor Relay
» (UMCDC) Universal Mount Digital IR Outdoor Weatherproof Camera