ITOM + ITSD dalam satu produk IT360

ITOM + ITSD dalam satu produk IT360

Tadi baru saja selesai diskusi dengan customer, salah satu concern mereka yang awalnya hanya mencari solusi IT helpdesk (istilah Gartner ITSD) berkembang menjadi ITOM (IT Operation Management).
Nah, ini yang menarik. Ternyata, dari pada hanya membeli helpdesk, kenapa tidak langsung membeli ITOM, dalam hal ini adalah IT360, fungsi nya lengkap.

ITOM (IT operations management) software

IT operations management (ITOM) software is intended to represent all the tools needed to manage the provisioning, capacity, performance and availability of the computing, networking and application environment. Gartner divides the ITOM market into 10 major segments that include DBMS, application management, availability and performance, event, fault and log management, network management, configuration management, IT services desk and IT help desk, asset management, job scheduling and other ITOM (which refers to output management software) for tools used to manage hardware peripherals, such as printers.

IT Service Desk (ITSD)

IT Service Desk (ITSD) products range from simple call tracking/trouble ticketing (aka “help desk” products) to broad suite solutions encompassing call management, incident management, problem management, IT change management, configuration/inventory repositories, request fulfillment and self-service portals. In their technical platform, ITSD products include knowledge management (knowledge search capability) and workflow engines (managing automated escalation and notification). The most-sophisticated products also may link to dominant brands of corporate portals, external workflow engines, procurement modules and HR systems, or include these as proprietary features. These products integrate with operations management systems for links to event alerts, additional inventory repositories, configuration information and remote control. Product suites must have native support for Web self-service, password automation and e-mail (“native” means that the vendor either has built its own component or has licensed an engine and built value around it). The products must integrate with a range of communications tools, from telephony components to Web chat.